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The group


Around 10,000 employees


Sales of €1,066 million

in 2023

  • 84% in fluid management
  • 14% in mechanisms
  • 2% in structural parts for electric vehicles and other vehicles

138 patents

filed worldwide in the past
5 years, including 23 in 2023

5,9 % of turnover

devoted to R&D


More than 500 robots

installed under the “Factory 4.0” project

Tier 1 worldwide
components/systems manufacturer

3 areas of expertise

Fluid management

Storage, metering, transfer, heating, cooling, separating, mixing, filtration, etc.


Many areas of involvement: bonnet, boot, side doors, swing doors, shell, bodywork, etc.

Structural parts for electric vehicles

Complex shapes, specific materials (GF/GB, CTI, V0), easy assembly, recycling, etc.

A wide range covering the following
product families and functions:

Fuel & Control
Air & Oil
Washing systems
Emission control

State-of-the-art industrial expertise


  • 15,000 tonnes of material processed
  • Over 420 presses, blowers and extruders


  • 18,000 tonnes of material processed
  • Over 110 presses, extruders and autoclaves


  • 22,000 tonnes of material processed
  • Over 45 presses and bending machines


  • 18% of turnover purchased
  • 32 million parts, from switches to electronic boards
Life of a factory
" I really
feel strongly
attached to this
company "

" I really feel very strongly attached to this company, which has built itself up over time. I had a feeling I was going to be able to express myself here like nowhere else. Ever since starting my professional career, I've always wanted to play my own part in helping the teams and the company to grow. That made it an easy decision for me to take on the role of group President. "

— Mathieu Coutier, President of AKWEL


A landscape rolling by,
The world at your steering wheel,
Impeccable road handling,
That reassuring new-car scent,
The surprise of finding the new among the familiar,
The combination of design and reliability,
Quality and simplicity driving efficiency,
The comforting silence of well-oiled mechanisms,
The ease of use of streamlined equipment…

Grounded and multi-purpose like a Land Rover,
Reliable and solid like a Duster,
A mix of the traditional and the modern like a Fiat 500,
Discreet and resilient like a Peugeot,
Capable of surprises like a Ford,
A symbol of quality like a Volvo.

The quiet leadership of those who have nothing left to prove.
But who know there is no performance without excellence.


In addition to its plants and the impact they have on the local economy,
AKWEL is resolutely involved in its geographical areas of operation.
Ensuring a consistently sustainable and collaborative impact.


Making education a priority

In this country, in which the education of children of tribal origins or marginalised castes is a key issue, AKWEL is supporting two organisations working in this field. Its help for the Ananda Care Charitable Trust made it possible to equip the girls’ boarding school with an educational institution for tribal minorities. At the same time, AKWEL – through its support for the Umarsadi Vibhag Kelvani Mandal NGO – facilitated the installation of solar panels and the complete renovation of a school very close to its plant in Daman.


Team spirit moves mountains

Every year in Timisoara, local companies compete in a rather unique boat race. The idea – of course – is to win, but not just anyhow: by building the fastest boat out of 100% recycled materials. It’s a sustainable, responsible race that stimulates participants’ creativity. The highly-motivated AKWEL team won the 2021 edition thanks to their engineering skills and the originality of their superhero-themed boat.


Sponsoring… a car

The Caramulo Museum is a mere 20 km from the AKWEL plant in Tondela. This bold collection comprises more than 500 works of art ranging from Picasso paintings to 16th-century Portuguese tapestries and around a hundred cars. Visitors can admire a Benz Dreirad from 1886, a Peugeot 207 rally car, and even an incredible Bugatti Baby from 1981. Thanks to a donation, the Tondela site is participating in the restoration and annual maintenance of one of these gems: a 1927 Panhard & Levassor 16/18HP. And why is it so special? Like all the cars in the collection, it starts first time!


Encouraging academic success

At the start of every school year, AKWEL pays a per-child bonus to employees at its Orizaba and Ixtaczoquitlan plants to help them cover the costs of registration fees, supplies, uniforms, etc. AKWEL also stimulates their taste for education, and strives to nourish their aspirations. Throughout the year, the group rewards children who take up the “School Motivation” challenge, acknowledging the most deserving students (gala dinners, meetings with role models, awarding of certificates, rewards based on their average scores, etc.).


For 50 years, AWKEL has been engaged in a profoundly human industrial adventure, with a focus on creating value for all its stakeholders. A number of CSR principles are embedded in its DNA: the company has always been unconsciously engaged in sustainable development AKWEL is building on this foundation to map out a path for the years ahead.


100% human  —

The group's four core values are simplicity, reliability, collaboration and performance, yet team well-being and safety are one of AKWEL's priorities.

They are central to all of the company's processes, every day and in everything we do. This commitment by AKWEL takes the practical form of ambitious objectives that the Group has set itself for the years to come. Because the group’s future is also the future of generations yet to come, and because each of its 10,000 employees has a role to play in this journey, AKWEL has adopted not only an ethical charter in recent years to formally set out the best practices that must act as a compass to each of us, but also a business code, in recognition of how important these issues are to us.

The environmental question  —

One of the key challenges to be faced today is undoubtedly the environmental issue and the impact of climate change.

All sectors are affected, but the automotive industry may be even more affected than others. AKWEL is aware of the importance of the environmental question, both for itself and for its customers. Action in this area is now a guiding priority for the entire group, from its strategic decisions to its day-to-day management, and including innovation.

In figures, this represents

14.1 M€ of investment

in 2023 to mitigate the environmental impact of its activities.


85.7% of waste recycled or recovered.

All group sites certified to ISO 14001

for environmental management.


6 plants certified to ISO 50001

for energy management in France, representing 75% of energy expenditure at the French sites.

Reducing our carbon footprint  —

Today, AKWEL is a group whose efforts are focused firmly on the future.

These include: depollution and more environmentally-friendly products, eco-designed components via biopolymers, the use of sustainable alternatives or recycled materials, and localised production to reduce the carbon impact of its activities. Each of AKWEL’s industrial sites is involved in reducing energy expenditure, greenhouse gas emissions and discharges.